My dreams are full of imagery if only I knew what they meant.
I dreamt I was waiting for someone at a garden and while there was keeping my eye on this child who was playing. I felt like I was waiting for their parent. But, while waiting two huge dogs attacked the child who ran into the lake to get away. I ran to the next house up, where the dogs were from and tried to get the peoples attention to come help and stop the dogs biting the child – now a young blond boy. They eventually came to the door, and came down to the lake but were ineffective in calling the dogs off, the child was screaming, and the people were just discussing what to do, but no action. Eventually the dogs wandered off and we got the boy out the lake. His parent came up and the people with the dogs just hang out, while I went to check on the boy. He had deep bite marks on him, but no blood, almost like massive puncture wounds, he made no sound and so everyone said he was alright. I wanted to take him to hospital but was over ruled.
I then woke up, tense and desperately thirsty, some water, and straight back into my dream.
Sitting around talking to the dog owners trying to get them to leash there dogs and train them with no luck, while the boy shadowed me. I felt so helpless, I could not make the parent be responsible for keeping an eye on the boy, I could not get the dog owners to take responsibility for their dog actions, and I could not help the boy without permission from all these adults who knew better.