I was driving along this evening and 88.5 played the theme song from Blade Runner, interspersed with dialogue. Blade Runner is one of my all time favourite movies, ever! And I started thinking about the first time I saw it, back in ’89.
I had just moved to America for the first time and was sort of dating this guy – R. We went to his friend’s house to hang out, him to get stoned and me to just tag along. We went down into the basement and his friend told us he was going to show us this really trippy movie, that I would like as I was a ‘dark person’. He put Blade Runner in, and I was hooked from the first moment. I remember R trying to get me to leave early with him, and even trying to talk to me, but I was hooked, the colours, the sounds and the ideas totally trapped me. They all hated the movie, it was silly and trite to them, and the fact that I loved it was just hysterical to them.
I often wonder why R dated me, we had nothing in common, he was so much older that me – 7 years! and so much more experienced in life, I finally realized it a few months later, he liked to show off America to me, this shelted South African. He liked to shock me and have me as his ‘baby’.
The fact that I liked something he hated was horrifying to him and he spent ages making fun of Blade Runner, just so I could agree with him. But no luck, I went ahead and started reading Phillip K Dick and delving more into my world and we broke up.
Not a good break up.