You know why I have cats? So I can cuddle soft furry things, always be late and have furry things that want to sleep with me, then wake me up by walking on my head!
I am internetless at home (<--- is that a phrase?) But, I have resolutions and a top 20 list and many many opinions. I had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year and photos will come eventually, as always. I am so happy I have so many friends and people whom I can be nice too, or ignore or argue with. Resolutions:
- Lose weight – and tone up and go back to the gym
- Do more socializing
- Sort out my stuff to sell and sell it
- Eat better
- Travel more
Such simple things, but so hard. I don’t think I am fat, but I need to lose about 10lbs and tone up, I need to eat better to help that out – more fruit and veg and less sugar…. Then selling stuff, I know I have clothes and shoes I do not wear and I need the money more and and, but I like stuff, so it is hard. I want to travel this year, not a lot and not outrageously but I have friend going to a “M” state in April, and I want to see him and the I want to go to my friend Keith’s Wedding in July, and I want to see shazzamdabran.
What else, I want to stop imagining things and actually do them, stuff like getting more organized, and not hoping it will all happen when I move. I need to start new habits now.
But, in good news, my credit cards are almost all paid off, I am not stressing at work so much, I am learning and practicing my HTML, I learnt a ton last year about computers and routers and installing stuff – hardware and software – so I continue to grow. I did not read enough, I did not cook enough, but things balance out. I don’t want to concentrate on the negatives, just the balance and the good, otherwise I tend to beat myself up.
Top 20 soon….