You Are Subversion!You are systematic and secretive. Sometimes even very calculating. Most everyone trusts you but they have no idea what really goes on in your head. You are capable of being nice or mean, whatever a situation calls for. You look out for #1.
What Naughty My Little Pony Are You?
Today is errrand day again:
- Go to book nook and trade some books ✔
- Drop off dry cleaning and see if they can clean a 1930’s corset ✔
- Pick up and deposit paycheck ✔
- Post letter to shazzamdabran ✔
- Start cleaning out linen closet/hall closet
I got some great records at work yesterday, and we got some killer records in, a bunch of Smiths, Cure, Pogues, Jesus and Mary Chain etc, and I had to price and clean them all, roughly 300 albums! I was so excited to be putting great stuff out for people to come buy. Wow! I mean I love selling great records and seeing people when they see then, their whole face lights up and then they start digging for more and calculating how much they can afford. It is what I do best, selling, I really love it, and every so often it strikes home how much. I hope my next job, sometime in the nebulous future, I like as much.