I have lots of computer software, and printers, scanners, a REX, external modems for sale, all posted on Craigslist, please take a look. Please reply here or craigslist if you want anything, I check my email twice a day – morning and night, and do not have access to a computer during work hours, so a reply might take a day at the longest
All prices negotiable if you get all…
All Software with legitimate licenses!!!!
Microsoft Office Professional and Bookshelf, for windows 95. In original packaging with all booklets and discs. $25 obo
Microsoft Works Suite 2000 includes word 2000, money 2000, encarta 2000, home publishing 2000(with clip art), expedia streets and trips 2000. $25 obo
Peachtree First Accounting 2.1 for windows 95 in original package. $15 obo
Quick View Plus version 4.0 for win95 in original packaging including 3 floppies. $5 obo
Microsoft Flight Simulator 6.0 for win95, in original package on CD. $20 obo
Netscape Navigator 3.0 in original pristine package with all manuals, on CD. $10 obo
Jasc Quick View Plus version 5.0 for win95, in orignal package, CD still shrinkwrapped. $5 obo
Microsoft Office 97, professional edition on CD. $15 obo
Microsoft Office 97, upgrade standard edition on CD, in original packaging. $15 obo
Microsoft Office 97, upgrade standard edition on CD, $10 obo
Microsoft Project 4.1 for win95, with all 7 floppies in original packaging. $25 obo
2x Microsoft Project 98 on CD. $15 each obo
Microsoft Outlook 98 on CD. In original packaging. $10 obo
Microsoft Quick Course book in Outlook 98. $1 obo or free with purchase.
Lotus smartsuite 97, with manual, on CD. $20 obo
Parsons Technology Atomic Clock 4.0 on CD. $5 obo
Symantec ACT! 4.0 in original package with shrink wrapped CD. $20 obo
Corel Office Professional 97 manuals in original packaging, with Dbl CD! $10 obo
2x Quaterdeck cleansweep uninstaller 4.1 on CD with manual. $5 each obo
Microsoft Trip Planner 98, CD with manual $5 obo
Microsoft Streets 98, CD with manual $5 obo
My software for sale on Craigslist
All prices negotiable if you get all…
Compaq 14″ monitor, model #473A $10.00. obo
Two keyboards and one mouse, first keyboard is a compaq, 101 keys, the other is a generic 104 keyboard and compaq ps/2 2 button mouse. $5.00 for all.obo
Lexmark 2030 color jet printer, parallel port, with win95 driver diskette $5.00. obo
Storm technology scanner on parallel port model # FB601C, with application bundle CD. No cable, no power supply $5.00.obo
Umax astra 2200 parallel or USB scanner with transparency adapter and power supply. $10. obo
Epson stylus color 600 parallel printet, with manuals, and cable. $10.00.obo
Iomega Tape 250 Parallel Port QIC80 tape back up, model 1080-px2. $10 obo
Iomega Ditto 2GB Parallel Port tape back up, model IO 2000-px, with manual and software, no power supply no cables. $5 obo
2 x Iomega Zip 100 Parallel Port external disk drive, model Z100 P2. $7 (one with manual and software, $5 (no manual and software) obo
Franklin Rex 3 personal PC companion, 256K original packaging, never used!! $20 obo
Practical Peripherals 14400 FX pocket modem, with carrying case. $5 obo
US Robotics Sportster FAX modem, 56K, with X2 external serial with ample cording! $5 obo
US Robotics Sportster Voice 56K FAX modem, external serial with power supply. $5 obo
US Robotics Sportster Voice 56K FAX modem, external serial. $5 obo
Radioshack eng/spa translator catalogue # 23-161. $2 obo
HP Scanjet 5S parallel port sheet scanner, with manual and software. $10 obo
Pick up in little five points, will not deliver, will not ship.
My harware gizmos for sale on Craigslist
Feel free to reply and offer good luck