Wake up, it is the crack of dawn – 7 am! I cannot breathe or swallow, so I bravely get up, wake the cats and check the pollen count…
it is over 5000! high is over 120!
Now I really do not want to go outside and go to work. It is supposed to rain today, but only really prolonged steady rain is going to help right now.
Doing some thinking the last couple of days and realise I have not written any poetry in almost 4 years, like I went blank inside, odd. I still think about writing and I still think of lines, but, no actual writing gets done, this journal is hard enough at times.
For those of you waiting for the elephant update…Solange is doing great, they had rains in Kenya and so he is frolicking in mud and eating fresh green grass, so cuuute.
My mom did get me the other morning – she texted me at 3:15am to tell me she got the flowers for her Birthday, she always wins the game…