So, I woke up early enough for being on holiday and went to the kitchen and my wonderful cousin – Simon – made me french toast with Nutella! It was the best french toast I have ever had! Later my sister and my Aunt Linda and I all went into the city with the best intentions of going to the reopened MoMA. We caught the train in and started walking up towards 53rd Street, and stopped at H&M and shopped a bit, and I bought nothing. We then arrived at the MoMA and saw the line! It was 4 hours long! So we did not join it, and decided to go to the store instead. The MoMA store was great and I fell in love with these cute lamps that recharge on the base and you set them around and use them as a candle light. Very cute.
We then went to get food and met up with some of Charlotte’s friends for a drink. Next on the list was Henri Bendel and we had to skip Dean and Deluca. So we wondered on down to the station stopping at stores and just looking around. We saw the Saks Christmas lights and stopped at L’occtaine, Teauscher and a cool bookstore.
Home and then out to dinner for Thai food at a place called Water Moon. A great day in all.