If I knew what this was I would be interested….
i went shopping the other day to Tiffany’s with a friend, and although I like some Tiffany’s stuff their quality of service and friendliness leaves something to be desired. Now, I have a ring from them which I like and I have a ring from Cartier which I love. Now, at Cartier they have always been super nice, very patient and very accommodating. I must have gone into Cartier about 6 times in one week once trying to decide whether to buy this one gift, and everytime they were unfailingly nice and friendly. At Tiffany’s I felt slighted and also a lack af appreciation, that later we could come back and buy something more, even if just looking now. I work retail so I realise they could be having a bad day or even a bad moment, but for high end stuff, I was not knocked out, plus you have to pay to have your jewelery polished by them…
And talking about retail, what is with people who pull out about 30 records to look at and then leave them lying around? Or even worse cram them back in the wrong section, with the labels upside down and the records backwards? And why when people hand you stuff to ring up the price: on the other side, the records are upside down and they act shocked at how much they end up costing and insist upon a recheck???
I finished reading Heaven Lake by John Dalton tonight:
“Sober and searching yet sublimely comic, this impressive debut about a modern-day missionary in Taiwan charts a journey away from reflexive faith and toward a broader understanding of the world and its ways. Reminiscent of the work of Graham Greene and Norman Rush, but possessing a quirky innocence and gravitas all its own, the novel is crammed with heady matters, clashes of cultures, ill-considered schemes and unrequited love.”

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