On Friday night a friend of mine’s, Father passed away. It was something that was going to happen soon but, it still felt too soon. I suppose it always does. I spoke to him and he told me how his Dad was suffering and in pain, his bones starting to get very brittle and break, he sounded so sad, and disconnected, I wish I could help him.
I went to my sister’s new apartment last night for dinner. It was fun, she is a great cook, even in simple things! We compared notes in our sugar fast and we are about even. I am little more stringent than her, no substitutes for me! We also made a list of things she needs:
- Iron & Ironing board
- Frames
- For Posters
- For Photos
- Entertainment Center
- CDs!!!!
- Interpol
- Billy Bragg & Wilco
- Radiohead
- Depeche Mode
- The Cure
- Johnny Cash
- Computer
- Microwave – very small one
We had a lot of fun looking at photos and laughing at ourselves. I love the ones of me with short blonde hair…and then there are the skydiving ones(us in Teletubby suits.) And the ones of Kenya and South Africa and London! I want to go back to all those places…