About a week ago at work Sean’s car was stolen, (from the parking lot next to us, behind the liquor store)in the back were several boxes of CDs. They found the car – in the Emory parking deck but minus the CDs. Now, at work we mark the promos we want with our signature and you get to realize whose CDs are whose.
Yesterday, a guy comes in the store with a bag of CDs to sell…The top CD is a Jeff Kelly CD, lead singer of the Green Pajamas…Now first off how many people actually know who Jeff Kelly is? And who the hell would have his CD? And several of the other CDs are old and I mean at least 2 year old promos….And some have Sean’s initials on them!!!
So, I call Sean “Um some guy is selling your CDs.”
The guy claims he found them, and will wait for the police to get there so they can take his statement. And he will leave the CDs.
As usual the guy leaves before the police get there, the police get his name and phone number(we did get that much out of him – hopefully not fake) and are going to question him.
Now I don’t believe this is the guy who stole the car, but he definitely knew something and he knew the CDs were stolen. He was way to shifty and tried to leave as soon as the police were called…